kick a sports goal

Big Days Money helps catch some Sports Funds in the back of the Net

In this tough economical time Big Days hopes this idea may score a goal. The Australian Sports Foundation recently advised from it’s research that Covid-19 has devastated Aussie Sports Clubs. In fact it reported many community sports clubs are closing and more are finding it harder to survive.

The Big Days Money team have already identified thousands of lost or unclaimed dollars that are related to Australian Community Sports Clubs. A simple Big Days Lost Money search may help.

kick a sports goalLocal sport can be the lifeblood of a community. Sports organisations provide structure, exercise and engagement for communities. The local participants pay for officials, resources and assets and sometimes they also get sponsorship and government support grants.  In fact these community clubs are fully financial organisations in their own right, that then generally depend on volunteers to turn the wheel of activity. There is research to show that for every one dollar put into Community Sports the Community benefits multiple times over and above that initial and on going.

Community Sports Clubs are Volunteer run

Sports Clubs have many volunteers, who act in good faith and have the Sport and the Community at heart. But just like everyone else or every other organisation, Sports Clubs are not immune from “Lost and Unclaimed Money“.  In fact the Big Days Money team have identified a lot of  “lost money” for Sports Clubs. There is no exact reason why this happens, but it is true that volunteer run Sports Clubs do change personal in honourary office bearer positions that are dependent upon elections each year. People change, addresses change and a lot of the time Sports Clubs may have more than one bank account, for various reasons such as fundraising or term deposit etc.

Community Sports Clubs Lose Money Too

Start finding your lost money

When looking for Lost and Unclaimed Money you never know what you are going to fossick up and uncover. It might be an old bank account worth less than a dollar. It might be a refund worth hundreds of dollars on an old utility account that gets sent to an old Sports Club address. And then at the higher end it might be an old matured term deposit worth thousands of dollars where the club contact address has changed. We’ve seen many examples of each of these.

Big Days Money can help in the search of Lost Money for Volunteer, Service, Not for Profit and Charity organisations. If you think your sporting organisation needs help to do a lost money search then let us know at Big Days Money.  It may turn up nothing but it also may turn up your own clubs real dollars.

Posted in News.